DevOps Engineer
A DevOps (development operations) engineer’s work revolves around automating software construction steps.

DevOps Engineers collaborate with software developers, system operators, and other IT professionals to manage and oversee code releases.
They deploy updates and fixes and provide the necessary technical support. DevOps Engineers also build tools to reduce occurrence of errors and improve customer experience. DevOps Engineers may also develop software to integrate with internal back-end systems.
0 to 2 years experience
P35,000 - P45,000
(median: P0)
- 35000
- 45000
3 to 5 years experience
P60,000 - P130,000
(median: P0)
- 60000
- 130000
6 to 10 years experience
P120,000 - P200,000
(median: P0)
- 120000
- 200000
More than 10 years
P180,000 - P280,000
(median: P0)
- 180000
- 280000
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