Data Analyst

Data Analysts process and interpret data using data analysis tools to get actionable insights that help businesses make important decisions

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Know Your Worth

The average monthly salary of a Data Analyst in Philippines ranges between Php 18,000 - Php 50,000 (median: Php 27,697).

0 to 2 years experience

P25,000 - P45,000

(median: P25,083)

  • 25000
  • 45000
  • 25083

3 to 5 years experience

P45,000 - P100,000

(median: P30,312)

  • 45000
  • 100000
  • 30312

6 to 10 years experience

P80,000 - P200,000

(median: P0)

  • 80000
  • 200000

More than 10 years

P180,000 - P350,000

(median: P0)

  • 180000
  • 350000

Upcoming Events

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